Birth Injury Accidents & Lawsuits

Nothing is more devastating than having your child experience a birth injury accident. Who will fight for justice for your newborn? The team at BBB Attorneys won't stop until you receive the compensation you deserve.

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If Your Child Has Suffered Injuries During Birth, Call Our CT Legal Team

Birth Injury Accidents Could Lead to Lifelong Health Issues. Let Us Fight for You.

If you're facing a serious legal case, you need a compassionate attorney that's willing to fight for your rights. BBB Attorneys are your experienced legal professionals. We're a dedicated team of attorneys that utilize all of our resources and focus all of our efforts on aggressively fighting on behalf of our clients. Are you a victim of a birth injury/accident? Would you like to file a lawsuit? Read more details below to learn how BBB Attorneys can help. 

According to the Birth Injury Justice Center, about 7 out of every 1,000 babies born in the U.S. are affected by birth injuries or trauma.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who can be held liable for a birth injury, and how is liability determined?

    In a birth injury claim, liability can potentially be attributed to various parties, including healthcare professionals, hospitals, medical staff, and sometimes even pharmaceutical companies or medical device manufacturers. Liability is determined by examining factors such as medical negligence, standard of care, informed consent, and any other relevant circumstances specific to the case.

  • What evidence is needed to support a birth injury claim?

    In a birth injury claim, the evidence needed to support your case may include medical records, expert opinions, witness statements, documentation of the childbirth process, and any relevant documentation related to prenatal care and monitoring. Each birth injury case is unique, and the specific evidence required will depend on the circumstances surrounding the injury. 

  • How long does it typically take to resolve a birth injury claim?

    The timeline for resolving a birth injury claim can vary depending on the complexity of the case, the willingness of the parties to negotiate, and whether the claim proceeds to litigation. Some cases may be resolved through settlement negotiations, which can take several months to a year. If the case goes to trial, the timeline may be longer due to court schedules and the litigation process. 

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Attorneys and paralegals are available 24 hours a day to answer questions regarding your potential case.

(203) 562-0900 or fill out this form to reach an attorney.

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What Happens Next?

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Once you complete the form with your name and contact information, it will be sent to the professionals at BBB Attorneys via secure connection.

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Within 24 business hours, one of our staff members will review the information submitted and call you regarding your case.

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When a representative from BBB Attorneys calls, you can expect them to follow up with additional questions that will help determine whether or not your case is viable. If it is, we will explain next steps in filing a claim!

What Classifies As A Birth Injury?

A birth injury is an impairment of the functions of an infant. The injury can occur during:

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Post delivery

A birth injury is more probable if the infant required resuscitation during delivery. Some common birth injuries include cerebral palsy, Erb's palsy, and birth trauma.

Types of Compensation For a Birth Injury Claim

In a birth injury claim, various types of compensation can be sought depending on the specific circumstances of the case. Here are some types of compensation that may be pursued:

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Medical expenses: This includes the costs of medical treatments, hospital stays, surgeries, medications, rehabilitation, therapy, and any other related healthcare expenses.

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Future medical expenses: If the birth injury results in long-term or permanent disabilities, the claim may seek compensation for anticipated future medical costs, such as ongoing treatments, specialized care, assistive devices, and therapy.

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Pain and suffering: Compensation can be sought for the physical pain, emotional distress, and mental anguish endured by the child and the parents due to the birth injury.

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Loss of enjoyment of life: If the birth injury significantly impacts the child's quality of life, compensation may be sought for the loss of enjoyment of life, including limitations on activities, hobbies, and social interactions.

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Lost wages: If the parents had to take time off work to care for the child or experienced a loss of income due to the birth injury, they may seek compensation for their lost wages and potential future earning capacity.

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Special education and assistance: If the birth injury results in learning disabilities or developmental delays, the claim may include compensation for special education, tutoring, counseling, and other necessary services.

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Home modifications: In cases where the child requires mobility aids or home modifications to accommodate their disability, compensation can be sought to cover the costs of necessary adaptations.

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Loss of consortium: Parents may seek compensation for the loss of companionship, affection, and emotional support resulting from the birth injury.

What Parents Need To Know About Birth Injuries/Accidents

When your baby is injured during birth, you want to know: did a medical mistake or negligence occur? Next, it's important to find out if the injuries your baby sustained are temporary or permanent. Getting these answers can be tough. A legal expert has the knowledge and resources to get these answers from the medical provider along with the justice you deserve. 

How BBB Attorneys Can Help You

BBB Attorneys understands that compassionate legal representation is important when your little one has been injured or involved in a medical accident. If retained, we'll start fighting for you on day one. With over 30 years of combined experience, we sit down with each client and provide personalized legal services. Don't try to fight the medical provider on your own when you're the victim of a birth injury/accident. Contact us at BBB Attorneys for aggressive legal representation.

Contact us today by calling (203) 562-0900 to discuss your case with an attorney. We offer free consultations and have offices statewide in Startford, West Hartford, North Haven, New Haven, Cheshire, Southington, New Milford, Simsbury, Waterbury, and most of the state of Connecticut.

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Our Victories


Motor Vehicle Collision

Our client, and her two unborn children, were injured when a car struck them in a parking lot of a grocery store in Hartford County. The injuries caused our client to go into preterm labor.


Dog Bite

After a dog attack caused a non-surgical fracture of our client's knee, we secured a settlement  prior to the commencement of any lawsuit for our client.


Motor Vehicle Collision

Our client was stopped in traffic on the Merritt Parkway on a rainy afternoon. The other driver was not paying attention and slammed directly into our client. 


Workplace Injury

Our client, a construction worker, was injured when his work van was struck during a snow storm. Our office assisted him in recovering monies for his injuries, as well as the property damage to his truck and tools. 

View Our Latest Victories
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